C.H. Says take your email to a new level.
If you have not listened to the podcast you want to make sure you do today. Taking your email strategy to the next level and be kind of hard if you do not have any guidance in doing so. I sure you have gone through many videos. You have maybe heard this “FUNNEL” word and your question is how do I do this. How do I build a list that people actually respond to? I have a Podcast for that as well you can go through my archive and you will find the answer you are looking for.
Today I talked about optimizing your email with emoji I am pretty sure you have seen many top influencers, fortune 500 sent you emails that look like this
There is one from Bath Body Works, When I have seen it I opened it cause it was very curious as to what the email was talking about. Once I open I realize that it was a sale I was drawn to click beyond the email.
Below is the video let me know in the comments section how you’re utilizing this. – Lady Hale
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