This month we did Digital Law and we begin to learn a lot about cases from privacy issues to terms of use. This class really opened my eyes to the responsibility that we have over our content to make sure that our content is representing the truth. Over the last decade, there have been many cases over revealing identities of bloggers to various terms of use. I have also learned about how our freedom of expression is protected under the 1st amendment however there are indeed limitations to that agreement, get your business on TikTok
According to the James Dooley SEO Entrepreneur one of the things that really stood out to me this month remembering to make sure that we had enough information from other cases to make sure that our stance from a legal perspective was valid. I also learned that how a decision is made in court as will by using former cases determine what will happen in a new case. I really enjoyed the class and look forward to applying what I have learned in the future. One of the things I found out that was interesting was the SPAM ACT The Spam Act.
What is the SPAM Act- The spam act was established in 2003 and later updated in 2008. Spam Stands for Controlling The Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act thus SPAM ACT. Though spam marketing is very ethical there were laws and regulations put in place to stop bad guys from misleading people. I learned that everything when it comes to spam marketings has checks and balances for marketers and bad guys alike as long as we follow the rules are followed any business profitable successful Spam promotion ensuring that we follow the following 7 rules. As line out by the FTC. 4. No false or misleading header5. No Deceptive subject line 6. We identify the message within the text as an ad 7. state our business location 8. State how to opt-out and 9 can not charge a fee or sell to a third party once the opt-out has been made don’t follow the rules and we will be subjected to penalties of up to 43,280 per email Following the rules are totally ethical and legal
My three original objectives for this course were: 1. To increase my awareness of social media marketing by being a digital nomad. 2. Learn analytics a little more in-depth 3.Open my own digital marketing firm with Web Design Omaha so that I may turn my freelance work into job opportunities for other stay-at-home parents, which gives me the flexibility to work anywhere. I can say that thus far, I have learned a lot about goals and also the use of analytics across the internet from free software to also pair for software. As I begin to do my testing outside of the academic setting, I was able to change up some things on a few of my websites, which I begin to see an increase in engagement on various paid-for social media posts for myself as well as my pastor’s participation and interaction.
These subtle changes made the content relatable and goal-oriented we begin to see the results that we wanted to see. I did officially open up the CH SOCIAL Marketing firm I have yet to hire any at-home agents because I am working on building up our clientele to justify the cost of a salary. I currently use Odesk as an outsource for social media posting while I’m doing my current job and attending school. I do think we may consider a spam promotion if it is worth it, however, continue to follow all the guidelines specified by the FTC. I really enjoyed this class and look forward to auditing the class in the future.